Dział Multimedialny Polkowice
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 2837 granatowy CD (1 egz.)
General note
Materiał towarzyszący zawira teksty utworów w jęz. angielskim.
Formatted contents note
Zawiera: Top Of The Hil ; Hoist That Rag ; Sins Of The Father ; Shake It ; Don't Go Into That Barn ; How's It Gonna End ; Metropolitan Glide ; Dead And Lovely ; Circus ; Trampled Rose ; Green Grass ; Baby Gonna Leave Me ; Clang Boom Steam ; Make It Rain ; Day After Tomorrow.
Participant or performer note
Laryy Taylor - bass ; Marc Ribot - guitar ; Tom Walc - vocal ; Les Claypool - bass ; Brain, Casey Waits, Mark Howard, Trisha Wilson - -claps.
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